

>Porky Porkinson the Parkinson Pig has a weight problem! The poor fellow has
>put on so much weight he can barely drag himself around.

Hilary reported poor Porky's problem---too much "avoirdepois"--- dare I
suggest that he has been acting "piggy", gobbling down all offered
coins--so what does he expect!

Porky and friends might like to know that we think we've hit on a way to
collect those pennies here in our little city.   Because we are a
university town, there are always student groups looking for charitable
projects--in fact, the Greeks are required to have something every year.
This represents a source of "personpower" to be utilized--so I've made
contact with several campus orgs, even though the students won't be back
till fall.

One such group is the club for Pre-Physical therapy/Pre Occupational
Therapy students.  2 of these seniors last year came weekly to work with
Peter on exercise---the adviser thinks the group might be interested in the
Pennies project.

Next I called the office of PanHellenic Affairs/Interfraternity Council,
and learned that we could submit a proposal to them--and would need 50
copies for all the greek orgs!

I then called an old friend who is an adviser to a non-Greek "Service
fraternity" (Alpha Phi Omega,now coed,BTW) and he was sure they would want
to help--they have about 600 members!  I figure we will have to educate
them about PD, recruit students who will make contacts with stores, etc for
placing of canisters, and will collect and record the money.  Our support
group here is very small and not really into advocacy, but very supportive
of this plan.

I mention all this in some detail in the hope it may inspire others in
similar situations to  consider using student power--some of them pronbably
have grandparents with PD!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "