

Dateline:  Parkinsaw, MI
Special Report: Pope Paul Postpones Pilgrimage to Parkinsaw Pending
Previous Plans.  Pleased Persecuted Pigs Properly Protected in Parkinsaw
by Premier Porker Premises Protection Plan
June 9, 1999

Well, it's been quite a day here in humid, hot Parkinsaw, MI.  First,
although Pope John Paul VI did not travel to Parkinsaw citing his health
and other factors, sources within the Vatican confirm that a
confidential visit was made by one of their representatives to assess
the efficacy of the protection safeguards installed at the Porker and
Goose Sanctuary.  The representative, who we will call Father Sarducci,
was in Michigan to see a Detroit Tigers baseball game.  Following the
game, he made a secret 500-mile side trip north to Parkinsaw,  met with
the Porker and Goose Sanctuary security manager Dudley Doowrong, and was
given a tour of the security controls installed there.  Obviously, we
cannot reveal any one security measure lest we compromise the entire
security structure, but Father Sarducci was impressed by the
thoroughness of the security approach, and pronounced the pigs and geese
"properly protected." The envoy was then given a short briefing on the
situation in CT and OH, including the Flying Pigs, and what we now call
"Parcel Pigs," or, pigs en route to the Sanctuary, and appeared
satisfied that everything possible was being done from an animal rights
viewpoint.  Mr.  Doowrong, who also has PD, told me that he informally
mentioned to the special envoy over a couple cold Levolagers, that many
people think His Holiness should assume a more active role in calling
attention to the devastating nature of Parkinson's Disease world-wide,
be more aggressive in leading the fight to find a cure, and openly
discuss his own experiences with the disease.  Father Sarducci smiled
and said something to the effect that no promises, but "he would see
that the message was passed on."  With that, the good Father disappeared
as mysteriously as he had arrived.   A final item.  Given that it was in
the 90's up here this week, those individuals Planning Passages for
Parcel Pigs should Ponder this Poop when Packing Pigs Pokes.

John Bjork
Parkinsaw, MI (An imaginary community for Parkinsonians in Michigan's
Upper Peninsula
"A View from the Lighter SIde of PD"