

Thought this was interesting.  Nancy B cg for Don 65/16

Parkinsonism prevalence:
A Mayo Clinic study has found that parkinsonism is three times more common
than was previously thought. The study, published in the journal Neurology,
also showed that men develop parkinsonism more frequently than women.
"Parkinsonism is not a disease itself; rather it describes a group of
diseases that present with similar symptoms," says James H. Bower, M.D., a
Mayo Clinic neurologist and the study's lead investigator. Dr. Bower says
that, previously, Parkinson's disease was believed to be the most common
cause of parkinsonism. However, the study found that Parkinson's disease
accounted for only 42 percent of all cases. For more on Parkinson's disease,
"Parkinson's disease - Treating a mysterious condition"