

I too smelled  a smell  that no one else did.   It started @ 1988   when I was 6 years
into my PD diagnosis and was about 41 yr. old. (now I am 52/17).   I had just started
taking  Eldepryl, and I began to  smell a very strong "BO" type  odor all the time,
it would get worse  when under stress!  Thinking  that  if was  caused  by my
medicines,  I carefully  experimented to find the culprit, but to no avail.  No one
else ever smelled the smell, my neurologist  could offer no explanation and never
noticed a BO  on me. Yet it was so "real" to me,that I used special detergent in my
laundry  to be sure that my clothes  were not responsible.

My lovely phantom  body odor just dissipated after a very neurotic  few months. The
Nickel analysis was that my PD had gotten to the point where it was obvious to anyone
who saw me that I had a problem. Being self conscious  about my PD, my  mind created
another neurosis  about one of the great American phobia, smelling  badly,and then
supplied me with the perfect olfactory hallucination; A  BO that was every bit as bad
as the infamous  one on Seinfeld!

Steve Holahan,52/17
Hartford, CT