


I STRONGLY urge you to IMMEDIATELY go to an Emergency Room!!!

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Don McKinley <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 2:55 PM

>to day i passed out after lifting 40 LB.  and did my chest hurt.
both my
>nero and heart doc are on months vac.  and get sick when i try to
eat  this
>morn . i ate 3 slices of toast with hot milk. for supper which i
could not
>eat. VIVIAN fixed chicken cordon blue. one min i am hot next
cold.  will or
>won't see any other doc's.  getting all i   want to do is sleep.
used to as
>all know i could put in some kind of work for 8 to 10 hrs. i for
get who
>when  i first came down whit PD.  i could golf bowl dance for the
first 15
>years. now after 30 i would give any thing just to get out of the
house. and
>i will  will want to go to Canada,and oxford or is this all in my
head now?
>i   am not happy with life as it is of now. so trying to mind
over matter
>and get up and go. you see   PD is a sickens me i am human  the
guy who put
>in my patio did bad job so got to do it over. over VIVIAN she
says no.  ha
>ha. i just don,t know why i am   so tired now and for get so
much. PD is not
>what it is cracked what it is.  well good night  MRS. CALABASH
>                                   I.Y.Q.   DON   VIVIAN