


Since you travel regularly between your east and west coast
residences, and to other places as well, apparently you're at
ease in the tumult that is a modern airport as well as at ease
in flying.   Obviously you've got this experience down to
a science!

With all due respect, tho, please consider that there are
others who are INFREQUENT flyers - folks who might
be intimidated, are chronically fatigued or run into an
unexpected "off time," when their meds don't kick-in as
planned, or who are just plain scared of airports and
airplane travel.

The masses of people swirling around the infrequent
traveler, the long lines, the hustle and bustle, the upsets
in not only their drug schedule but upsets in PLANE
schedules can wreck havoc in someone's life and
have long lasting effects.

I suggest you might consider that YOU are most
fortunate, even BLESSED in not having had the
same time of negative experience as Gina had
and you should count your lucky stars for that,
rather than smugly devaluating HER terrible experience

I believe it's important for ALL of us to remember that
each of us handles life's problems - especially those
 problems which happen suddenly and unexpectedly -
as best we can AT THE MOMENT.

And THAT is really all anyone should ever expect
of others.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Travel No More/Beaten - Long Piece

>To Ken Becker -
>                        My suggestion for you is to go back to
bed and try to
>                        IT is like I told our many young
employees about
>meeting and working with the public.   When you deal with the
public, it is
>like looking in a mirror,  if you want to have good dealings with
>"project a good image and it will be reflected back to you."
>                        We travel extensively since we have homes
on both
>sides of the country and I have NEVER found your supposed
problems.  Are you
>not the person who took off about HMO's awhile back?
>                        Try POSITIVE THINKING - it WORKS.