

Cindy-- you do, for sure, have a lot to deal with---I would call this being
in the "sandwich generation" with a vengeance.  I'm sure both Mom and
Grandma appreciate all you do to help them---and I hope you can take care
of YOU, too!

>Back in 1988, my mother was in a car wreck (some jerk ran her off the road).
>She hit a culvert and barely missed a tree. Even with both seatbelts on, she
>crushed the steering wheel into the dash. Her right hip was dislocated and
>6" of the left thigh bone where it meets the knee was totally
>disintergrated. The knee was broken into 4 seperate quadrants. She spent 2
>1/2 weeks in ICU and 4 months in the hospital. So, with that background, Her
>left knee will not bend and she has to walk stiff legged. She has like a
>"ladder" in her leg now. She is classified as handicapped and moves around
>slowly. (this works for my grandmother since she needs to move slow).
>My Dad passed away without warning in 1994 and now with Grandma to take care
>of. That is where I come in.
>Hope this background helps some to understand a little better.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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