


You're rounding third and heading for home!  Just know that the
whole team is behind you, m'dear...

With love....

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, June 18, 1999 5:44 PM

>Jessi is home .
> For good.
>(unless they take her away again)
>To all you people who deleted this
>because youo thaought it had nothing to do with PD,
>you are wrong.
>It has eveything to do with Pd,
>and with this list.
>Home from foster care,
>where she was placed because the courts decided,
>o n  advice from Social Services,
>that I was an unfit mother.
>And what made me an unfit mother?
>Why, Parkinson's of course.
>And now, two years later, she is home.
>I am two  years further down the Parkinson's passage,
>but she is  home.
>How did that happen?
>a little judicious judicial arguing in court.
>Some phone calls from list members to my congressman -
>which ultimately resulted in
>12 hours of home help per week,
>intensive educating in parkinson's and what it really is ,
>of every social worker and therapist in sight -
>and lots of support from this list
>every step of the way.
>And now i thank you.
>(now we just have to get Jane Amy home - due date in August)
>hilary blue