

"Cloutier, Gilles" wrote:
> I have been prescribed 2x100mg of Amantadine (since January) and this seems
> to help me move better and I no longer have heavy-duty headaches at the back
> of my head near the base of my skull.  This is good.  However, since mid-may
> I also am taking 1/2 Sinemet 100/10 twice a day but this doesn't seem to be
> doing anything.  It was supposed to help me regain the use of my right hand
> but so far not so good.
> Do you (or anyone) have any idea what might be causing the Sinemet to have
> no noticeable effect.  The neurologist assigned to me said it could take a
> couple of weeks before the Sinemet does anything,  but it's been longer than
> that and still no results.  He also told me not to increase the dosage
> (why?).  I'm curious about what to expect the drug to do, does it restore
> mobility fully or partially for a while, it there a minimum required dose to
> do anything at all.
> Anyway, if you or anyone can help, I'd like to hear from you.

the 100/10 is insufficient unless you need very little medication. half
a tablet is ok if it is sufficient for you to get by on the lowest dose
i ever heard of, BUT you would also need to supplement 70 mg per day of
carbidopa to provide the minimum (75 mg/day) to keep the levodopa from
being rendered useless in the blood stream. this carbidopa can be
obtained from doctors who are supplied with it free to be given to
patients taking minimal dosage of Sinemet.

Ron Vetter 1936, '84 PD dz
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