

I just read 3 messages about how horrible airports and flying is.  The first
message was so long I thought  it must be a joke and was waiting for a punch
line.  Since I've joined this list I have gotten some valuable information
and have been impressed with the upbeat attitude that many have despite
serious problems but I guess there are exceptions.

But----to read all this nonense about airports is too much.  Sure, planes are
delayed, lines can be terribly long, but to knock everything is unbelievable.
 I guess I enter an airport with excitement knowing we will be leaving our
routine and going someplace we look forward to visit.  Oh, and by the way,
don't most airports now have McDonalds or other fast food?  As someone
mentioned yesterday, PWPs should also bring a snack and water just in case
there isn't something available when needed.

We hope to go away this weekend (Sat thru Thurs) and we are both looking
forward to it!!  A change of scenery does wonders!!  Maybe I'll resubscribe
to this list when I return.

Dorothy CG Roy 68/44/42