

Lets start by saying I really don't know what this means but here goes.
PMID 10353249 Is an article of the inhibition of caspase-1 slowing down
Huntington's disease. A really new and big discovery.
PMID 9437520 Is an article about how dithiocarbamate inhibits caspase-1
.Huntington's and Parkinsons are mirror diseases. When Parkinsonians get
too much medication they get tardive dyskinesia, chorea, like Huntingtons.
When Huntingtons people get too much medication they  get parkinsonian.
Ethyl carbamate is that herbicide, you know, the one that doesn't dissolve
in ground water, found in solvents.

Well ethyl carbamate is a part of the drug quinine, for leg cramps.
(Spectrum Laboratories Chemical Fact Sheet 51796 )
PMID  9613755 Is an article about restless leg syndrome and olfactory
function. Dopamine works for both Parkinsonians and those with the
syndrome, but only Parkinsonians have the abnormal olfactory function.
Dopamine helps the leg cramps, but so too does quinine and ethyl carbamate.
 Thanks W.L.Butch . [log in to unmask]