

I recommend that you simply stay on your regular schedule of meds the first
day of travel. The easiest way to do this is to keep your watch (or a watch
or any timepiece) on your original, home time and follow your regular med
schedule in your usual time zone. If you travel in a direction in which you
lose time, you may end up taking additional dose(s) but that will be
necessary only this 1 day. This would apply to your return trip  But you will
 be traveling in the opposite direction and you will gain time,  so you may
end up taking 1 or more less doses.  Anyway, assuming that you don't take
meds while  you sleep, the next morning, I would simply reset all of my
timepieces to the new, local time zone and then run my usual schedule
according to the new, local clock.  If you are usually very regular in
following your med. schedule, it may take your body a day or so to adjust to
the "new" schedule--just like it usually take a day or so to adjust to "jet
lag."  Good luck and bon voyage!.