

Hello fellow PWPs:

What do you think?  Anyone care to start a discussion?

I recently posted a message re: a Congressional hearing using a "What If" phrase to challenge a
little activism. A fellow support-group member has used this phrase many times to try to get
himself, and others to think more creatively, a little differently--to get one's thinking out of a
rut.  The following words are his:

What if we can demonstrate to the pharmaceutical companies that it is more
profitable and in their best interests to fund developing a cure instead of
developing maintenance drugs?

Who has any ideas?
How much would you really pay them for a "PD cure pill"?  $5,000? $20,000? $?
Could anyone develop a sound business case?

Would you pay what it would cost you for of a 15 year supply of Mirapex up
front for the "PD cure pill" even if your insurance did not cover it?  Or
that + $5,000+?

Are there any other business planners / thought leaders who would like to
form a small team to address this issue and make this what if a reality?

If so, please reply to this message with your ideas, background, and how we
can contact you.

Charlotte Mancuso