

Response from Parkinsaw, MI, on the continuing saga of the Pigs in Residence:

The Fabled Flying Pigs have landed, and are currently in seclusion pending a
thorough examination by a local vet.  It was decided to forestall any formal
reception until they have rested and have been fed.  Construction continues
apace on the new public-viewing area,  within the secured Sanctuary, which will
permit the creatures to be seen and heard.  As of now, plans are under way for
them to perform a brief fly-by at the Parka-Thon held over the 4th of July.

The Parcel Post gang caused considerable ruckus when they first arrived, before
they led to their quarters in the Sanctuary.  They had never seen nor
experienced such luxury in their piggy little lives.  Said one of the more
boistrous Parcel Pigs:  "HBO!  We got HBO!"  (Wait 'til they find out they'll
also have Showtime Extreme).  At the reception station where they were
processed, accomodations were somewhat spartan, including some uncomfortable
cots.  But now, in their permanent quarters, they love their new beds and menu.

The perceived jealousy between the Parcel Post Pigs and the Fabled Flying Pigs
failed to materialize.  Some credit for this must be given to Chubby LaBarre,
President of the Parkinsaw Sty-King Group, formed earlier in the year to help
promote the image of the pig in view of all the sacrifices the pigs have made
to help finding a cure for Parkinson's.  It seems that Chubby, with Dudly
Doowrong in tow, prevailed upon the Flying PIgs to promise free rides for the
Parcel Post Pigs, who are now so excited about this that they can hardly
sleep.  Isn't it wonderful when there's peace in the valley?

Both the Flying Pigs and the Parcel Post Pigs, and even the Mutant Geese, are
all looking forward to the visit by Super Porker, Porky Porkinson, as well as
the lovely Porquetta, to Parkinsaw as soon as their busy schedule permits.
We're certain that we can arrange some rides on the Flying Pigs for Porky and
Porquetta.  We couldn't confirm that today since the Flying Pigs are all
watching Porky Pig cartoons, eating Twinkies and sipping Levolagers.

John Bjork
Parkinsaw, MI
A View from the Lighter Side of PD

Camilla Flintermann wrote:

> Concerned Carole in CT wrote in part:
>  But the pigs are still
> >squealing. It is only 3AM here in Connecticut and I
> >have already received several telegrams. They are not
> >satisfied with the limerick, John. They seem to regard
> > Camilla's Cincinnati Flying Pigs as mutants and are
> >upset about the coming reception.
> I can quite understand their reaction, for it is not unusual to be
> threatened by someone who appears "different" is, in fact, a *human*
> failing.  I wish there were some way I could reassure the PPPigs of the
> inate "Piggyness" of the winged ones.  Their tails are just as curly, their
> snouts just as snouty, and their squeals just as piercing as those of their
> CT cousins----they just happen to have wings.  As a famous Californian once
> said in a moment of clarity, "Can't we all just get along?"    The winged
> ones have no desire to upstage any pig, nor to monopolize the limelight.
> They are just seeking refuge, and will gladly share it with all piggy
> comers.   Perhaps, before this matter "takes off" in a lawsuit, the good
> folks of Parkinsaw can arrange for some skillful conflict resolution to be
> available, so all the pigs can become porcine pals in their sanctuary ?  I
> see this as a more appropriate response than picketing or legal action, and
> hope that the Porkensons will agree, and lend their not inconsiderable
> weight to this idea?  Are not all pigs  equal in the great  pigpen in the
> sky?
>         ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>
>                           Laughter--    :-)   :-)
>                              the best medecine !