Janet, >hmmm >two men who aen't keen on the volume of chat... >hmmm >non-communicators? >hmmm Make that two men and one woman Thanks for sharing the notes from Joseph and Harold re:trying to find real information in the voluminous chat quagmire. Since I suspect the vast majority of active participants in this site share your perspective on chat, I'm curious about what was gained by that huge leap up the Ladder of Inference to calling the dissenters "non-communicators". I, too wish there were more information and less chat. I would love to have a symthesized, digest but I'm not willing to create it and I stumble across real nuggets just often enough to keep tuned in (although I delete about 60% without even opening them). Accepting the list for what it is, I still find the occasional forays into personal vituperation quite unpleasant. Barb Zimmer Palo Alto, CA [log in to unmask]