

Jessi is home .
 For good.
(unless they take her away again)
To all you people who deleted this
because youo thaought it had nothing to do with PD,
you are wrong.
It has eveything to do with Pd,
and with this list.
Home from foster care,
where she was placed because the courts decided,
o n  advice from Social Services,
that I was an unfit mother.
And what made me an unfit mother?
Why, Parkinson's of course.
And now, two years later, she is home.
I am two  years further down the Parkinson's passage,
but she is  home.
How did that happen?
a little judicious judicial arguing in court.
Some phone calls from list members to my congressman -
which ultimately resulted in
12 hours of home help per week,
intensive educating in parkinson's and what it really is ,
of every social worker and therapist in sight -
and lots of support from this list
every step of the way.
And now i thank you.

(now we just have to get Jane Amy home - due date in August)

hilary blue