

Unfortunately, the trip status is about the same. :( What makes it worse is
that, seeing my father this weekend, I noticed he's moving slower...slower to
react, slower to just about everything. Walking, thinking, talking,
moving...My brother (who is the only other person in my family who seems to
be taking in any of this) also noticed it.

I recommended to my mother all of your ideas...larger car or RV...shorter
trip...all to no avail. She's determined and says my father is growing to
like the idea. I don't know if I believe that. I asked her to at least go
visit the neurologist and discuss getting him on medications, as his symptoms
are becoming more and more obvious. She says that they don't bother him, and
I tried (TRIED) to explain that he may not be aware how much they bother him.
Perhaps if he was on medication, he would see that he feels much better --
and just wasn't aware at how bad he was feeling before the meds. Again, no
real response. Probably a bad time to begin medications anyway, just three
weeks before the trip.

Your suggestions, as always, are welcome. I think I'll talk with my brother
about it and see if he can get through to her.

