

I've just about had enough of Ken Becker's whining about airports and travel.
 The airplane is one of the greatest inventions of man, it allows us to get
places in hours rather than days or weeks.  If every time Ken steps into an
airport things go awry, then I feel bad for Ken.  BUT STOP WHINING ABOUT IT!

As to the inflated prices of MacDonalds and Burger King, I expect to pay a
few cents more in an airport then at the MacD's down the street.  I, for one,
enjoy the fact that I can get a Big Mac at most airports.  I know exactly
what it will taste like (Yummy!) and am seldom surprised by the cost.

So, Ken, if you don't like to fly, it is your prerogative to go by bus, car,
or train.  BUT QUIT YOUR WHINING!  Some of us enjoy flying and look upon the
experience as a wonder of modern technology!!

Harlan Williams
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