

Well it has been awhile since I have had much to say. A CURE?  A cure is
nice to think about, to possibly dream about.  Knowing I have lived this day
to the fullest of my capabilities, accomplished some, if not all that I had
set out to do brings me closer to a cure.  The "cure" to me is knowing that
the pd has not beat me today and that I may lay my head down tonight
knowing, although the war still rages..I won the round for today.  Winning
is a mind set.  Conquering the day's battle is lending a helping hand to
those less fortunate..offering love instead of hate...keeping a positive
attitude toward all that I do. When my day is through and I am on bended
knee may I thank my Lord for the peace and mercy He has blessed me with to
live this gift called life.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:43 AM
Subject: The Cure

> I have been listening to talk of THE CURE ever since I was diagnosed t
> years ago and it has been hovering ten years in the future throughout that
> time.  It is the Holy Grail of the PD world, sought after, quested for,
> mythologised.  Like the Grail it is has become more symbol than reality;
> like the Grail it is perceived as mending everything if it can be found;
> like the Grail finding it is something only a few can do.
> The trouble with seeing the cure as the Grail is that we PWP are not caste
> in the role of questing knights; even less are we Sir Galahads.  We
> unfortunately are caste in the role of the Fisher King - carrying a wound
> that will not heal until Sir Galahad  finds the Grail.
> I don't like that role.