

Dear listmembers
I'd just like to say good bye! I suscribed the list in february. I was an interesting period, I got many information, many help. Thank you for the worm welcome, for knowledge, and many-many thanks for medication. GINA, DALE, JANE, made possible for me to stay on Mirapex.
Now, I see, our problems are totally different. I'm PWP, but can't understand most of your main issues, your hopes, prayers, campaigns, jokes. And if sometimes sent my post - no responses.
Other world, other problems, other possibilities, other future perspectives-------other life. 
I'm working hard, and at nights hope read important PD news, no chat about pigs, cats, dogs, jokes, etc.
I'm tired to select information.
Good luck for all of you, I hope sometimes some of you, who remember me, will contact off list...
I will happy to hear about list family, and recieve some PD news.
Good by