

Ken and Carline...

As UCLA's Dr. Gerald Burke explained it to me (and he's the MD who
performed the procedure), when the vocal cords are healthy and
they do their "thing," as they are designed to do, they are very
taut, (spelling?) and kind snap together with near-blinding speed,
hundreds of times a minute.   Air gushes between the two cords
just as they meet in the middle.

When the vocal cords aren't working well, from one of the several
diseases that can affect 'em, or because there was some kind of
injury to 'em, then they don't "snap."

In THAT scenario, they sloooowly  move toward each other and meet
with a flaccid, loose,  wobbly touch - and sometimes are SO lazy
they DON'T touch - just 'flop!"  And the air that normally would
be pushed out between the vocal cords sits there - somewhere or
other (like I know?) <grin> - going nowhere.

PD affects many other non-visible things within the body besides
vocal cords - WE just tend to see the disease as attacking  hands,
arms, legs and other VISIBLE body parts.  Unfortunately, the
disease can affect internal organs and body parts as well.

And as for that MD in the French forum, well POOH on HIM, 'cause
we have LOTS of PWPs here on the List, myself included, who are
living proof that PD *CAN* weaken one's vocal cords to the point
where their ability to communicate effectively by mouth is
virtually impossible.   AND - the collagen injections DO work, (IF
one's MD feels one is a likely candidate for the procedure).

The collagen not only works by enabling one to speak with
near-normal vocal volume, but ALSO makes breathing easier and more
normal.   Furthermore, IF one continues to get collagen injections
over several years, even tho most of it is eventually absorbed
into the body,, a small residue remains after each injection.
Eventually, that residue will build up and will no longer be
absorbed (I have nooooo idea how or why this happens), and one has
the beneficial effects of the collagen, without further

SOOOO kindly tell that MD he is COMPLETELY INCORRECT! (which is
another way of saying he's just plain WRONG, but... uhhhh....
knowing the EGO that usually goes with the JOB, I imagine he won't
believe me anyway).

Aw heck... just tell him I said he could put THAT in his pipe and
smoke it! <--- Barb, having a tizzy-fit> (grin)

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: KF Etzold <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 1:11 PM
Subject: A strong Voice, courtesy of Collagen

>I read with interest that you had succesful injections of
Collagen to improve
>your voice. Now, How does this work? The implication is that
changes take place
>in the vocal cords and that those changes are related to PD. Do
you know what
>the effect is of PD on the cords?
>Carline's voice has gotten weaker and I am curious. As a side
note a doctor on
>the French forum said:
>"Je ne pense pas que les injections de collagene puissent
ameliorer la
>voix lorsque seule la MP l'a deterioree .."
>ie. he does not think that the injections will help when they
deteriorated due
>to PD only. So, I am confused.
>Well Barb .... You are our local expert .... speak.
>K-F cg Carline