

Hi Friends-- now that we're safely home again, and Peter is napping, I want
to share this morning's experience and ask a couple of questions.

Peter takes meds at 11:30PM, 2:30 AM and 5:30 AM, then usually goes back to
sleep till the big 5:30 dose kicks in.  For several mornings, he had had
severe abdominal pain on awakening at 5:30 for meds, and a hard time
sitting up (with help) because of the pain. Once vertical, it diminished.
Today it was worse than usual, and I noted that he had not used the urinal
or toilet in the night, so his bladder was probably pretty full. (He takes
Flomax for urinary retention,BTW).
With difficulty I got him up and seated on the bed,  but he insisted I call
his internist and wanted to go to the hospital.  Doctor said to call 911,
as I couldn't handle his immobility--it took 4 of them to get him onto the
stretcher, as he was barely able to move at all.

BUT--just as the Life Squad (bless them all!) arrived, he was able to pass
9oz. of urine, and soon after the pain began to subside.  At the ER it was
gone, except when they tried to sit him up.  He also had pain in the back,
probably from PD rigidity.  All tests were negative, and  by the time his
meds FINALLY kicked in (about 7:30AM, delayed by the stress of the
situation) he was able to walk to the wheelchair, and from the car to the
house.  Wanted breakfast,  then after 9:30 meds, lay down to nap.

Questions:  Do other PWPs have severe abdominal pain when bladder is full?
Does this experience echo what others have gone through?

I plan to ask the doc whether in future episodes like this is would be
*safe* to try to get him to hold off on the 9ll call until he had been able
to void,and move around.  That might be less stressful and also avoid the
ER trip.  Thanks for any input---

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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