

I doubt that the drug companies would feel it is better to find a cure than
supply maintenance drugs.  Maintenance drugs will be a source of ongoing
revenue, whilst a "cure" would only provide a "one off" sale.

I seem to rmemeber reading somewhere that an Australian doctor found a cure
for stomach ulcers, but had great difficulty getting funding for research -
think about all the "heartburn" tablets that would no longer hae to be

I would give anything to be able to stand and sit and think normaly again. I
would love to be able read a book or watch a movie from start to finish
without losing the thread of the plot and without blurring. I would like to
be independant and drive a car again.

We have already had to sell our holiday house ( bought for when we would
have retired ) so as to provide income to pay for "maintenance" drugs, which
cost R3,300 per month and go up each time the dosages are increased and our
currency looses value. My appliation for disability insurance has taken more
than four months during which time we have had to survive on savings which
would have been used to educate our children.

The answer is yes I would pay "anything" for a cure, but in the meantime the
"anything" amount available is dwindling.


----- Original Message -----
From: Charlotte Mancuso <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:34 AM

> Hi all,
> I would sincerely like your response to the following:
> A fellow activist of mine asked me to post  the following message to try
to stimulate a discussion.
> I have posted one or two of these "What If?" statements hoping to find
like minded activists, i.e.,
> PWPs who would like help speed-up a cure.  Let's give it a go.  Thanks!
>  Charlotte Mancuso
> ///////////////////////////////
> Do you want a cure?
> Do you think biotech and pharmaceutical companies are  working
aggressively enough on
>   it?
>   What if we helped them see the value of a cure to them?
>   What if we can demonstrate to the pharmaceutical companies that it is
>   profitable and in their best interests to fund developing a cure instead
>   developing maintenance drugs?
>   Who has any ideas?
>   How much would you really pay them for a "PD cure pill"?  $5,000?
$20,000? $?
>   Could anyone help develop a sound business case?
>   Would you pay what it would cost you for of a 15 year supply of Mirapex
>   front for the "PD cure pill" even if your insurance did not cover it?
>   that + $5,000+?
>   Are there any other strategic business planners / thought leaders who
>   like to form a small team to address this issue and make this what if a
>   If so, please reply to this message with your ideas, background, and how
>   can contact you.
>   Thanks.