

Terry, you are brave to come forward with your position and opinions. I am
not going to take sides at this time, as tempting as it may be. It would not
be fair, as I am not  a PWP, nor an employer. I  suggest a possible solution.
What about all employers and employees sharing in the cost of No-Fault
disability insurance coverage,  purchased from the begining of a job and to
retirement.  The No-fault part would eliminate legal battles or arbitration
which can be costly.  There could even be coverage for the employer to pay
for accomodations to keep the employeee working as long as possible.  The
majority of people with disabilities would rather be working and productive
than to be a burden to the workforce. Of course, many employers will fight to
keep expenses down and productivity as high as possible, and would rather pay
 lawyers to do this than pay out more for benefits. The no-fault insurance
might save them money in the long run and attract better employees too. Maybe
the Federal Govt. could give tax breaks to employers who participate.
Ken B