

Parkinsaw Replies:  SPECIAL NEWS ITEM:  Parcel Post Pigs Promised
Priority Pass to Press Palms with Porky Porkinson!   Not speaking for
Camilla, we just prepared this news item, and thought we'd respond.
We're confident she would agree that the "Tough Love" policy implemented
by Nails Noogan is slowly but surely accomplishing our goal of having
well behaved charges ready and standing tall this weekend for the visit
by his eminence, the great Porker Himself.  (Porquetta herself won't be
along until the following week for the Parka-Thon).  The Parcel Post
Pigs, who remind me of the original Bowery Boys, have been on their very
best behavior and based on what we know today, Nails Noogan will give
them a three-day pass for the visit tomorrow.  Then, one more week of
boot camp, and, if they show that they can be trusted in large crowds
(where Levolager is sold), then they will be given a second three day
pass.  It is the thinking up here that they must earn back their rights
to the amenities they enjoyed prior to their inexcusable behavior.  Look
for a complete run-down on the visit by Porky "I never met a coin I
didn't like" Porkinson, in Sundays Weekly Chronicles, as he reveals the
previously untold secrets of his Pennies for Parkinson's success down in
the Washington D.C. area.  Lastly, the Fabled Cincy Flying Pigs are
noncommittal re Porky getting a flyby ride in the sky on account of his
new weight load caused by the unusually large number of coins he's
carrying around.  They are also undecided whether the Parcel Pigs of CT
deserve the flyby treat---especially since they're still doing wing
exercises in preparation for the flybys for the Parka-Thon.  But, if
they behave this weekend, they should be able to get a few rides from
the Fabled Flying Pigs the following week-end.  The ham bone is in their
sty, so to speak.

John Bjork
The Sanctuary
Parkinsaw, MI

Carole Hercun wrote:

> Camilla, now that the Parcel Posters have been
> detoxed, do you think think that they will be able to
> get out of boot camp in time for the festivities? They
> promise no pignapping. They hold Porky and Porquetta
> in such high regard and they were so hoping to "fly"
> with the Fliers.
>                                 Till ALL Pigs Fly,
>                                 Carole
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