

Hi! seems like I could have written your message.  My husband also diagnosed
with PD last Sept (50 years old) FORCED to leave his job after 29 years ,
never taking a sick day!  He also just worked! He is bored, depressed that
they just asked him to leave his job.  Would like any and all information on
whether or not companies can force you to go out (he's out for 6 months full
pay and then we understand it goes straight into LTD).  We're novices at all
of this, still trying to get meds to work.  Found this site and have been
uncomfortable about asking.  This whole thing is really confusing and
frightening.  He really doesn't want to just say home he has no real hobbies.
 Andrew's message seemed like he could help. It would be greatly appreciated.
 We know nothing about alternative med, and legally don't know what to do.