

The Weekly Chronicles
A View from the Lighter Side of PD
Parkinsaw, MI
June 27, 1999

Good afternoon, and welcome to the Parkinsaw Chronicles, a weekly report
from Parkinsaw, MI, a community for Parkinsonians, located in Michigan's
Upper Peninsula.  Although this week we were honored by the historic
visit by his eminence Porky Porkinson, the celebration was interrupted
by a cowardly pitchfork attack on Porky by parties unknown at this
time.  Here's a capsule of yesterday's events:

This weekend we were fortunate to have the use of the previously
top-secret Pig-Human interpreter system called Pig Human Assisted
Translator System or PHATS, to facilitate information exchange with
Porky and the other porkers.  Developed by the National Security Agency,
PHATS was used extensively during the Bay of Pigs imvasion and after to
obtain intelligence information on Cuba. Highly trained pigs were air
dropped using miniature parachutes to avoid Cuban Radar, and once on the
ground, would root out essential information such as Russian missile
locations.  The pigs were taught to swim to Key West once they had
enough intelligence gathered.  Unfortunately, for the porker spies,
however, was the overlooked fact that Cubans love their Lechon Asado
(roast pork), and they were quickly captured and, well, turned into
Sunday dinner. Fortunately, however, technology developed to debrief the
pigs upon their return survived, and through the good offices of Dudley
Dowrong, we obtained the use of PHATS for the Porkinson visit.

Mr. Porkinson arrived Saturday at 11:15 via Hog Wash Airlines, and was
immediately taken to a safe-Sty located within the Sanctuary, for
security reasons.  We had received sketchy intelligence reports from CT
about possible trouble from a maverick Parcel Post Pig and an
accomplice, a deranged boor.  With our security team on high alert,
Porky was given a tour of the Sanctuary, a private meeting with the
Fabled Flying Pigs, a hand-shake ceremony with the Parcel Post Pigs,
before addressing a large crowd outside  the Muhammad Ali Civic
Center.   After his introduction, Porky spoke about the importance of
the Pennies for Parkinson's effort nation-wide to help fund needed
research to find the cure for Parkinson's Disease.  Speaking through
PHATS, Porky stated enthusiastically:  "Ask not what pennies can do for
you, ask what pennies will do to help find a cure for PD!" Porky went on
to sing the praises of the new Pennies for Parkinson's cans, as
eye-catching and very professional looking.  Porky reminded everyone
that these fund raising canisters could be ordered by calling The
Parkinson Alliance, toll-free, at 888-3314673.

Porky was about ready to wrap-up his presentation when suddenly from the
spot known locally as the craggy hill, the unthinkable happened: Someone
had launched a long pitchfork right at Porky Porkinson.  While everyone
froze in their tracks, an alert Fabled Cincy Flying Pig, who had been
practicing looping maneuvers, dropped from the sky like a rock and at
the last second diverted the pitchfork from its deadly trajectory to a
near-by wooded area.  Unharmed, but obviously shaken, Porky was taken to
a secret location for private talks with Chubby Labarre, President of

 Nails Noogan reported seeing a couple strange looking sorts, who
obviously were up to no good, in the area prior to this cowardly
attack.  Says Noogan "They were disguised as dairy farmers, complete
with denim clothes, straw hats, and pitchforks.   But the minute I
spotted those hoofs and that curly little tail I knew it was a pig and a
boar, ready to cause trouble.  Then, before I knew it, that pitchfork
came out of nowhere like a lance, right at Porky.  If it hadn't been for
the Fabled Flying Pigs....".

After getting Porky out of harms way, The Michigan Wolverines were
immediately unleashed and were on patrol disguised as "a very large and
shaggy rock band" in an unsuccessful attempt to locate the strange pig
and boar couple disguised as farmers.  An intelligence report has
implicated parties from CT, which is being currently followed-up by
Dudley Dowrong.  Security will be reviewed in preparation for next
week's Parka-Thon and the important visit by Porquetta Porkinson.

 In spite of yesterday's horrific event, Porky did enjoy himself this
morning.  After unloading all the pounds of coins contributed under the
Pennies for Parkinson's program, Porky was given the honor of being the
first creature to be given a ride up in the sky on a Flying Pig.  Porky,
after viewing the great, wild and unspoiled countryside of Michigan's
Upper Peninsula from the air, quipped "where's all the traffic?"  Porky,
of course, is used to the congestion and traffic deadlocks of the
Nations Capitol.   Porky and I went to the Northern Lights microbrewery
for a couple Levolagers and pork-free bratwurst before taking his
eminence to the airport.  Porky departed on Hog Wash Airlines at 2PM for
the flight back to Washington, D.C.  Porky bears no hard feelings
towards Parkinsaw or the Parcel Post Pigs.  Said Porky upon entering the
departure gate at the airport: "There's trouble everywhere.  Personally,
I've got too much work to do to help find a cure for this rotten disease
to worry about some "loony tunes" wackos.  I've enjoyed the visit, and
look forward to seeing everyone again."  Quite a gentleman that Porky

 So, with that we bring to a close another very eventful week up here in
Parkinsaw.  Although we're all looking forward to the Parka-Thon and
Porquetta's visit, we could certainly do without the disruptive
occurrences of this weekend.  We'll all have to be on our toes for that
strange couple disguised as farmers.  Will they re-appear next weekend
in another disguise?  What do they want?

John Bjork