

It's definitely a love/hate relationship for me, but if not having pd
would have also meant I'd never have learned all that I have and still
am, and also that I would never have been able to write the poems I
have, etc., I don't know that I'd trade it for the other option.  Hard
to say.  But, everyone's experience is different, like I said.  For most
people, it's probably like hell on earth, and there are times where I
also feel like that and as my disease progresses, I may feel like that
too more and more.   I find tho', that my life and my pd seem to go
better when I look at it from the other side, and try to use my energy
to make it work for me rather than fighting it.    I still intend to be
healed of this thing, and when I am, there's gonna be some big time
payback going on.  For every hour of my life that's wasted now, I'm
expecting some big time fun and more later.  I'm keeping score, so
there'll be no question later.  That  thought definitely helps me deal.

Wendy T.