

well I'm ba-a-a-ck.
Went to ER last Saturday nite.  They decided to keep me.  just got home
this afternoon.  Seems I had a urinary tract infection and an infection
at the FT site.
They IV'd continuously with antibiotices and some other cocktail mixture
and 3x daily doses of zantac, reglan and phenegran while they did a
bunch of tests.  The most memorable one being having to eat oatmeal
laced with radioactive material and got to lay on a very narrow table
(like laying on a hollowed-out log) with hands tucked underneath bottom
and no place to rest elbows for an hour and a half while they traced
digestive process(not much fun).
They seem satisfied they have everything under control so sent me home
today with more pills. Guess we'll see what happens now.