

Welcome Mary, to you AND your questions.....I believe from Peter's
experience and what others have reported that "slowing" affects mind,
speech, etc. as well as mobility.  This is something he is well aware of,
and he even says,"Let's save our serious discussions and yelling (GRIN)
until I'm ON !"
You will find discussion in the archives, too---an invaluable resource for
all of us.  Someone referred to this as a "zombie" feeling--does that ring
a bell?

>Hello - I'm Mary Williams and I'm new to this list.
>When I have an 'off' period - which comes in the gap when the effects of an
>earlier-taken pill has worn off and the next pill hasn't yet 'kicked in' -
>I find that my thinking slows down - there's a 'haziness',  feelings of
>confusion and inability to cope with problems generally.
>Is this part of Parkinsonism or is it a side effect of Dopomine - are these
>addiction withdrawal symptoms?

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "