

The Fabled Flying Pigs, AKA the Cincy Fliers, are ecstatic at learn that
Porquetta is en route.  They plan to organize a 6-Pig escort for her plane
as it nears Parkinsaw, and have even managed to concoct a way to set off
trails of smoke as they fly---in the manner of the "Blue Angels" aerial
team.  (Two will be red, two white, and two blue, of course in honor of the
Fourth.)  Their only concern was that they might be sucked into the jet
engines of the plane,so they are much relieved to learn she will be in a
prop plane, not a jet.  Ms.Piggy has volunteered to go aloft ahead of time,
to spy out the land and make sure all will be safe for a landing.   Be
assured, Hilary, we will take good care of your special Piggy !

>well, well, well
>her ladayship finally made it onto the plane  t o parkinsaw. please be advised
>that she left at 5.45 from washington National Airport, Hogwash Airlines
>flight 222., arriving parkinsow sometime seoon.  Its one of those little
>planes - with a propellor, and some wound up elastic. And she has to chang e
>in Newark. I do hope she doesnt get lost.
>She  hasnt been feeling too well the last couple of days - she came home from
>the forum w ith a tummy ache - she had eaten a whole ten dollar bill, and then
>topped it off with five dollars - and i think the combination was a little to
>rich for her delicate digestion. but she is much better now, adn done with
>'robin' and  hobnobbin with forum delegates. now she is looking forward jst to
>plain pigging out in parkinsow.
>Have a great time in parkinsaw, porquetta.  i'll miss you!
>hilary blue (for porquetta porkinson, the parkinson pig's kid sister)

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !