

Dear John Bjork---- As the putative "den mother" of the Cincy Fliers, I can
report that Ms.Piggy is completely overwhelmed by all the honors accorded
to her for her Daring Dive of Diversion.   In her usual modest manner she
could only say, "Who ME !, Aw shucks !"  The other Cincy Fliers, however,
are terribly proud and excited, and looking forward to the ceremonies and
the meeting with Porquetta Porkinson.  It will be fitting addition to the
historic meeting with Porky P.

 In their gratitude for the honors to their sister, and for the shelter of
the Sanctuary, they have offered as a group---all 6 of them---to do aerial
patrols when needed for surveillance of the countryside around Parkinsaw.
They feel they were given wings in order that they might benefit all
humanity and amilaldom,  and want to fulfill their obligation.  Not for
naught were they described as "angels"!  I understand that there is a
company which plans to market little flying pig pins, after the style of
the angel pins which are so popular--the gold ones will be $25.00, the
silver ones $10.00, and of course all the profits which would accrue to the
Fliers will be donated to the Pennies campaign.  This effort, in addition
to the rides at $5.00 for 5 minutes, and sale of the hoof-o-graphs, will
enable them to make a considerable monetary contribution to Pennies for PD.

It is only the deviants like DD Deville that give pigs a bad public
image---and all the Sanctuary pigs are struggling to overcome it !  "One
for ALL and ALL for One" is their motto, agreed to also by the PPPigs,with
whom there is now a  real bond----their new theme song is "Pie in the Sty
By and By ", looking to a wonderful future.

Thanks again to Chubby, Dudley, and the Wolverine Patrol for their dedication!.

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !