

Dear Helen---Been there , done that, more than once.  Would it help raise
awareness here, and encourage others, if every time one of us makes a call
or writes an email or letter we posted to the list that we did it?  I
haven't always done that, 'cause it seemed a bit like "bragging"  but if
you think it's a good idea, we could approve and encourage it. What do
y'all think?

BTW-our Rep. John Boehner is one of the "hopeless holdouts", who never did
support Udall--but I call him anyhow!

Helen wrote in part:
>....How many have writen letters to legislators stating their
>disappointment with what is NOT happening with Parkinson's Disease
>research---the legislators have the new meds and treatments yes, even the
>cure in their hands.
>What does it take to get you all involved in some way? Even a phone call to
>legislators local offices will help. This week many of them are home and
>doing town meetings. Call their offices and find out where and when the
>meetings are held and go to them or make an appointment and go see the
>senators and reps. Tell they you want the 1997 Udall Bill fully funded for
>Parkinson's Disease focussed research and you want it now.  Those of us that
>went to the Forum and walked or rode those long halls in wheelchairs can't do
>it alone. We need you all to help.
>Become proactive please.
>Helen Mason

       Camilla Flintermann,                             <[log in to unmask]>  My Home Page

             "  Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,
               is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience  ."
                              --Mary McCurry