

Dear friends---

Janet wrote in part:
>barb patterson has been doing this work since 1993
>while still maintaining her full time job at mcmaster
>[admittedly, when the membership was smaller, the work was less]
>if there is anything we can do to make things simpler
>and more streamlined,
>we gotta do it

AMEN to that!

>e.g. one
>there is an existing 'general user's guide'
>written by listserv for both beginning users and advanced users
>which we haven't really taken advantage of yet
>it's a large text file [100k]
>although by mega-giga-byte-hard-drive sizes these days
>that's a drop in the digital bucket
>it could easily be split into more manageable sections
>there's an option for us to keep files on hand at the listserv
>[separate from the automatic archiving process]
>which i will look into
>this option would mean that we could request say
>the file 'advanced user's guide to listserv'
>the file 'net etiquette for mailing lists'
>the file 'emoticons and acronyms in e-mail'
>by e-mail from the listserv
>whenever we want

This would be fine if folks would use it---I think very few listsibs ever
request the available info from listserv.  Perhaps WE could digest the long
file  into a more manageable form, removing the things that are only rarely
useful?  Then it could be sent to new members--on CARE Jeff sends the
Listserv  Ref Card, but I think often it gets lost or is hard to understand.
>e.g. two
>there is a 'renew' option which we haven't taken advantage of
>and which would clear out the list 'clutter' which bob refers to
>listserv can send out a pre-configured membership renewal notice
>to the membership automatically every 6 or 12 months or whatever is specified
>to ask you individually to reply if you want your membership renewed

In theory, great--but considering how many folks don't keep instructions,
and have to ask to be removed,etc, I wonder if it would really be responded
to--would we then be dropped if we dfidn't reply?

>e.g. three
>the listerv's archives are searchable by e-mail again
>and in 'english' this time!

Could you explain "in English" just how to do that? where to find the
"how-to"? It's gpd to have this option for those of us who lack Net access.
>e.g. four
>there is a 'topics' option
>which can essentially create 'sub-lists' of this big list
>so that members could set their subscriptions to receive
>say only 'medical abstracts' or 'pd news' or 'parkinsaw news'
>sounds great,
>but it requires a lot of 'subject header' discipline
>on the part of the listmembers

Exactly my reaction.  This is "deja vue all over again" in a way--would we
have the discipline to make it work? To impress it on newbies?

>we have been using one of the most miraculous [imho]
>means of communication this planet has ever seen
>to a limited degree
>i think it's time we learn to use it to its fullest potential
>whadda y'all think?

I guess I think we might use some of these resources, at least try them
out, but shouldn't we ask Barb P. about it---maybe there are reasons why
she hasn't used them up to now?

       Camilla Flintermann,                             <[log in to unmask]>  My Home Page

             "  Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,
               is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience  ."
                              --Mary McCurry