

Carole, anyone who considers PD a "friend" must have REALLY interesting
ENEMIES!  There is  good news for anyone who has purchased shares in the IPO
of Pigs and Armpits Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.   Not only are franchises
being snapped up all over the world, but we are getting free adverising in
the most unusual form!  Next time you go to a doctor or lawyer, or even an
accountant, you may be surprised to see "P A" after the names on the door!
Okay, they may not spell it out, but with a name like Pigs&Armpits, you gotta
take all the free publicity you can get!
Along with success, comes the imitators, so beware! If you see "Cows and
or "Weasels & Buttocks"  signs go up in your area,  just remember, P&A was