

Very quickly, as I am worn out from working and emotionally drained, the PAN
Action Forum in Washington DC was, I think, a huge success.  The people there
were wonderful, as always, lots of new faces and some old(not age wise).
Hopefully, we succeeded in making our story important to congress, if that
didn't happen, it certainly wasn't our fault.  The leadership was great too,
each time we attend I am always amazed at the stories of the individuals
there, if only each one could testify before congress, they would surely see
the pain in the PWP's faces and know this a real tragedy that is happening to
real victims.  I know there will be lots of posts from participants but
please know all of you, that there are real people out there working for you
in this situation, in the Alliance, in Pennies for Parkinson's, and in any
other group that you can name. They walk the halls of congress, they
distribute cans for money, they plan fundraisers, they speak to support
groups, they travel distances to inform others, they write letters, they
telephone, they tell their story.
Please join them in some way...........
Gerry Haines