

Well said Gerry; Yes, please join us in the fight for a
             cure in any way possible.

             You don't have to be able to go to WDC to be effective.

             Just got back from the forum where I met the most
             supportive, inspiring, tireless and wonderful people.

             Too tired and jet lagged to say more right now.

             Charlotte Mancuso
             > Very quickly, as I am worn out from working and emotionally drained, the PAN
             > Action Forum in Washington DC was, I think, a huge success.  The people there
             > were wonderful, as always, lots of new faces and some old(not age wise).
             > Hopefully, we succeeded in making our story important to congress, if that
             > didn't happen, it certainly wasn't our fault.  The leadership was great too,
             > each time we attend I am always amazed at the stories of the individuals
             > there, if only each one could testify before congress, they would surely see
             > the pain in the PWP's faces and know this a real tragedy that is happening to
             > real victims.  I know there will be lots of posts from participants but
             > please know all of you, that there are real people out there working for you
             > in this situation, in the Alliance, in Pennies for Parkinson's, and in any
             > other group that you can name. They walk the halls of congress, they
             > distribute cans for money, they plan fundraisers, they speak to support
             > groups, they travel distances to inform others, they write letters, they
             > telephone, they tell their story.
             > Please join them in some way...........
             > Gerry Haines