

> From: Sharon & Jim LeBlanc <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Fifth References for Theory of Environmental Parkinsons -
Pollutant Botulism - Clostridium Botulinum
> Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 3:42 PM
> PMID 134650 Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 1, Liver; FABP1 - binds free fatty
> acids, their CoA derivatives, bilirubin, organic anions, and other small
> molecules. (Succinyl CoA and Pamilitoyl -CoA oxidase or retinoic acid)
> PMID 152425 Fatty Acid Coenzyme A ligase, long-chain 1: FACL1, this
> also known as palmitoyl-CoA ligase plas a key role in both the synthesis
> cellular lipids and the degradation of fatty acids.
> PMID 10353249 Inhibition of caspase-1 slows dissease progression in a
> model of Huntington's disease.
> PMID 10100031 Evidence of functional zinc deficiency in Parkinsons
> Theory : N-nitrosodimethylamine from diesel and gas exhaust of N. Le
> caused a retinoic mutation in his fraternal twins. His son who also
> in a fish factory with more N-nitrosodimethylamine lost his CREB2 and
> overproduction of cAMP caused his Parkinsons disease. His daughter, who
> smoked, and was often in smoked filled rooms, got too much
> N-nitrosodimethylurea and breast cancer.
> This explains Environmental Parkinsons and its relationship to twins.
> I have more papers you can look at to explain how Parkinsons causes
> Diabetes type two and Psoriasis, my husband has both. What I hope is that
> you will contact Ligand Pharmaceuticals in San Diego California that has
> new drug Targretin that is for N-nitrosodimethylurea causes breast
> diabetes, and psoriasis. It is a retinoid X agonist, activator, and I
> it will help Parkinsons disease until they can make more specific
> products, say CREB1 for cancer and CREB2  for Parkinsons and RRE-1 and
> for Huntington's chorea. It would be most helpful since my family
> Huntington's disease too.
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