

>  I was diagnoised with PD almost two and a half years
> ago.  However I had fallen two and a half years prior to that time and
> had dislocated my shoulder, had a torn bursa, partial rotator cuff
> tean,
> etc.  Anyway with all the focus on my shoulder, and the final analysis
> being that I needed a left sholder replacement  (bone on bone), I
> managed  to file away little concerns about other things........
> .......I know how critical it is for our doctors to have all the
> information they can from can I ask for their help if I tie
> their hands.  I know from working there for the past eight years, how
> often a patient has told me something, and when I ask if they
> mentioned
> that to their doctor the answer was most often NO.  Then I would ask
> if
> I could write a note to the doctor about what we had discussed....the
> patients always seemed pleased to have me do so.  I'm getting my
> message
> loud and clear...

Dear Sharon:

Welcome into this nest of commiserating friends!  My wife has gone
much of what you described, and I am certain you will hear a lot about a

great many things here.  I do like and agree with your outlook on the
profession and your confidence in them.  You wrote "...working there for
past ....", but where is that?
Welcome again.

Michel Margosis   CG Barb 67 10 '89 (right?) and both retired
'Carpe Diem'