

Thank you for your welcome.  My husband is not really ready to "discuss" or
"ask" much of anybody, but I certainly am!  I have been reading the list ,
and I have to tell you some of the information sounds like you're talking
another language!  Unfortunately, I'm sure I'll eventually become fluid in
this "foreign language".  We are still at the stage of trying to get the
medicine to work, a challenge so it seems.  In our innocence, we expected to
take a magic pill and all the symptons would just "go away".  His neurologist
just suggested he go to a movement disorder specialist, to see if perhaps
there is something that can be fine tuned.  As I read some of your postings,
I admire your courage, fortitude, patience and impressive strength in
fighting this new challenge.  I hope you will all bear with us both, during
our learning phase, and help us along the way.

Ann Lipani