

Dear Ken-- now I'm really worried about you !  I consulted my favorite
numerologist,  Bo "Numbers" Stewart ( he happens to be a 3rd cousin of
Martha!) and he said that the combination of 3-6-3, as in Motel 3, Motel 6,
and 3 BIG guys, could be dangerous for you.  I've  never known Bo to be
wrong yet--he warned my aunt about buying  Yugo for just the reasons you
have experienced !

I don't think it's wise to give Vito your address--after all, you don't
know HIS, and that seems a bit unbalanced---NOT YOU, Ken, the situation!

Why not arrange to meet him and the "Big 3," at Times Square instead--you
could all get acquainted and maybe take in a Disney movie ?  Since you
don't really know what "gift" he has for you ( and it COULD be a pair of
those expensive shoes) that would give you a chance to decline gracefully,
and offer to pay for his movie ticket instead.   My sainted mother used to
warn me to "beware of Greeks bearing gifts"---something about Trojan horses
getting into your hard drive--is Vito a Greek name, by any chance?

Your concerned friend,

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !