

Hi Jeannette--yes, I have been following the discussion about
switching to Permax, but all those who replied are also taking
Sinemet, which is why I raised the question of Permax as monotherapy.

And Judith--ask and it will be answered! Thanks very much for
printing the article on Permax as monotherapy, as well as the URL for
the drug database.
And Camilla--yes, I think it's hard to sort out what the real source
of the fatigue is. I think Janet Paterson mentioned recently that
fatigue is simply one of the major symptoms of PD. Some probably get
more fatigue than others.

I would mention again that there is a new med, approved by the FDA
12/98, called Provigil. It's an anti-narcoleptic, and Phil Tompkins
has pointed out that it's in clinical trials for PD and MS fatigue
symptoms. Joe has tried it and we really can't see a lot of
difference, but for the last 8 months Joe has been in constant pain
from that *+%(  non-PD surgery he had. That alone is truly tiring, so
it's not a fair test.

Ann Gibbons   cg  Joe  65/2

Ann Gibbons