

Carole from CT asks,

" WHERE is the Gandy Dancer?   WHO is the Gandy Dancer? "

If only we knew !   In a surge of desperation I consulted the dictionary,
but am left even more bemused and confused than before!    I read that the
"gandy dancer" was the leader of a gang working on train tracks in the last
century---the "dancer" probably referring to the rhythmical movements made
as the men labored on the tracks, but "GANDY WAS UNEXPLAINED" !  So we're
right back where we started ?

The "leader of a gang" may sound ominous, but after all he would have quite
a "gang" of pigs at his beck and call, should he ever reach Parkinsaw.
The scary part is that GANDY WAS UNEXPLAINED.....
there is already so much unexplained in this tumultuous continuing saga,
I'm not sure I can stand any more !  :-0    I can only hope that before
long this fascinating and mysterious UNEXPLAINED personage will materialize
in Parkinsaw, and the mystery will be solved.

Meanwhile, I sensed some concern on Carole's part about the burgeoning
company of porcine players in this startling drama.  As they say,  "you
can't tell the players without a program "(which probably costs $2.50
minimum)  I have tried to sort out the characters and  hope this will
provide some clarification---

1. Precious , Pre-eminent Porkers Porky and Porquetta Porkinson--the
sibling pair who spearhead the                          Pennies for
Parkinsons drive
2. The Parcel Post Pigs (numbering ????) from the great state of CT,
reformed revolutionaries now on the side of right
3. The  6 Fabled Cincinnati Flyers, namely 5 boy-piggies and one Ms.Piggy
of unequaled courage and derring-do, all gifted in aerial surveillance
4. The  Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs, Minhs  1,2,and 3--- snoopers par
excellence, ready to serve the G.D. when he appears
5. The  Michigan Wolverines, whose natural colors are Blue and Gold, but
who are adept at clever disguises and are fierce protectors of the Pig
Sanctuary and its occupants
6. That renegade from CT, DDDeVille former member of the PPPig family, but
now a fugitive from justice,  and
7. His nefarious companion, the Boar (rumored originally to be a member of
the Arkansas Razorback tribe, but now disowned by them)
8. Chubby Labarre, major domo of the Sty-King Sanctuary
9. Dudley Dowrong (can that be right?), in charge of security,after
retiring as head of nuclear security at Los Alamos
10. Nails Noogin, head of the protective forces of Parkinsaw
11. Assorted citizens and characters residing in Parkinsaw, and trembling
(with fear or with PD?) at the thought of attack by satanic forces
headquartered in the  PolkaNet bar and grill
12. And last but surely not least, the long-forgotten Zebra Mussels and
their imported adversaries, the Palmetto bugs from Florida!

(Can it be that the dastardly duo managed to plant the Zebra Mussels to
destroy the piscatorial pleasure of palsied Parkinsaw  Parkinsonians?
Perish the thought ! )

I hope this "program" will help us all to keep he players straight, and
ourselves in our right minds, just a little longer !   ;-)

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !