

Dear friends-- having taken upo your time and profited from your responses
before about Peter's early morning pains,etc, I feel I shopuld fill you in
again--thigs are looking up!

I thought all along that the core problem might be the rigidity of PD after
a night in basically one position.  This was reinforced by the fact that
once he could get up, the severe abdominal pains vanished.

Having had 3 ER trip[s and an overnight in hospital to correct a blockage,
we decided to try a new approach, and his internist OKed a small dose (1 or
2 tablets) of Ibuprofen.  I am aware that he should not take a lot of this,
and that he should take it with a full glass of water--hard to do when he's
1/2 awake!

I divided his big batch of meds (SInemet regular and CR + Requip and
Prozac) usually taken at 5:30AM, and have been giving him the regular
Sinemet,with Ibrprofen at that time, to get the day started. He then sleeps
till 7 or 7:30, gets up WITHOUT HELP or PAIN and takes the rest of the
meds.  This has worked for a week now, sand I'm hoping it will continue to
do so at least for a while.

Our thanks, again, to the many liustmembers on PIE and CARE who offered
helpful ideas to check out, and supported us while we lived through
this---fingers  crossed--we're OK for now!

        Camilla Flintermann,            <[log in to unmask]>
        CG for Peter, 81/70/55                   co-owner, CARE list

             "If the only tool you have is a hammer,
                    everything looks like a nail. "
                        ----Abraham Maslow