

hi all

At 15:41 1999/07/12 -0700, carole wrote:
>I want to thank all of you on this listserve for your kind responses.  I
>feel I should give you an update although I know that most of you know
>about this kind of treatment much better than I do because you have
>experienced it first hand.

some of us have
but anyone connected with pd need to know this stuff

>I just talked to my husband's neuro here.  I had dropped off the
>information that Janet Patterson so kindly sent to the list and informed
>him that Ted was in the hospital.  He told me that perhaps it was
>something Ted did differently back there in Illinois like "something he
>ate."  I kid you not.  I find this a little bit alarming coming from a
>"trained" neurologist.  At this point I was so flabberghasted that I
>felt like crawling through the phone.  Then he informed me that he saw
>him just two weeks ago and he was "fine."  They didn't change anything.

i thought the new neuro in the hospital in illinois
took ted off tasmar 'cold-turkey'?

did ted's 'old' neuro not comment on this
and the dangers inherent?
[the whole point of the information i sent you]

>Well, he saw him for 15 minutes (if that much).  I see him 24 hours a
>day  (more or less).  I've seen this coming on for awhile in fits and
>spurts.  He is not fine, believe me.  Although he is still well
>oriented, he is hyper and agitated.  Definitely not himself.  Even his
>speech patterns are revved up which is about all I can judge over the
>phone.  Sadly, all I could hear on the other end of the phone with the
>neuro was "don't blame me; I didn't do anything wrong."  I'm not trying
>to blame anyone.  That is sort of pointless at this point in time.  I am
>just trying to get the problem resolved. I'm not a trained neurologist
>but it escapes me how when you have someone with a diagnosis of
>Parkinson's which slows down activity and you see them exhibiting the
>exact opposite all of a sudden plus he is on a fairly good dosage of
>Sinemet CR 50/200 t.i.d. and has been on Mirapex t.i.d. for a year and
>on Tasmar t.i.d. for six months, that you wouldn't look at the
>medications FIRST rather than assuming that a person needs psychiatric
>care.  I mean look at the obvious FIRST.  I don't think you have to be a
>trained anything to figure that out.


the worry is not just that med-induced psychosis symptoms are mis-read
but that the tasmar withdrawal can produce side effects
like malignant neuroleptic syndrome
which can be fatal

any doc who recommends such a course of action
should be up for malpractice imho

thanks for the update


brief note
long 'off'

janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
snail-mail: PO Box 171  Almonte  Ontario  K0A 1A0  Canada
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