

On behalf of one list member/friend I want to point out that he uses
"webtv', without a computer, and as I just learned,  doesn't have the
capability to delete---this may be true for a number of others.  As a
result, he has told me that when the table of contents of the digest
version is "half or more NON-PD" he dumps the entire digest.  Thus he is
not reading much on the list any more.  I'm not sure what we can do about
this, as not everyone has the stamina or desire to skim the NON-PD posts
under those circumstances.

The idea of dividing the list which is brought up periodically has been
"voted down" at least 5 or 6 times in the years I've been a member. Do any
other folks who use webtv or similar systems have the same problem---or any
solutions to suggest ?

>Why don't they just delete if they don't like the non Pd stuff? I won't
>forget I have PD, wish I could. I can't think of the disease all the time,
>I;d like to read something funny.  Write something funny!  If we don't laugh
>we'll cry.
>62/5 years

        Camilla Flintermann,            <[log in to unmask]>
        CG for Peter, 81/70/55                   co-owner, CARE list

             "If the only tool you have is a hammer,
                    everything looks like a nail. "
                        ----Abraham Maslow