

Dear John B---what a relief to know that the fabled Gandy Dancer, having
been airlifted by one of the fabled Cincy Fliers, is now taking control of
this situation !   I believe the lucky porker was  "Wings" , the oldest
brother of the fabled Ms.Piggy, and the huskiest of the Fliers---this
making him able to transport the GD with ease.  There was some
disappointment among the other Fliers that they  couldn't  also serve the
cause, but they were assured that their turn will come.
Ms. Piggy was of course involved in the celebration of the World Cup
victory of the US women's soccer team--she has been doubling as their
official mascot, and thus not always on hand in Parkinsaw-- but in any case
she would not have  wanted to take the honor of carrying the GD away from
Wings, as she  had her share of fame and recogition at the Parka-Thon.   No
sneaky sibling rivalry among these pigs!

The Cincy Fliers (what a name for a ball team!)  are all eager to help in
any way, and are staying on "red alert" for a summons from the GD when his
plans are complete.  Semper Paratus--Tempus Fugit--E Pluribus

Yours till ALL pigs fly,

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !