

John-just read your latest report with mounting
horror. So now Tasmanian Devils have entered the fray.
They must be tough if they can smoke unfiltered
cigarettes. But can they be trusted? Don't forget we
are dealing with an international conspiracy and one
of the principal players (1/3rd of the Traitorous
Trio), that AWOL  Parcel Poster,is named D.D.Deville.
Coincidence? I think not. Not with all those triple
sixes floating around. I have little to report from
the Connecticut. Have been kept occupied by the List
Wars, but now that  we have declared a cease fire,
perhaps I can go back to ferreting out clues. So the
Dancer has finally reached Parkinsaw, has he? I can
only hope he is immune to the temptatations of the
PolkaNet Bar & Grille, with its fast women,unlimited
Levolager,and endless polkas by the Six Fat
Dutchmen-as I've noted before, sounds a lot like Hell
to me. Perhaps that's a clue?
Til ALL Pigs Fly, and, as Don Says,
Remember, We Are ALL Rowing the Same Boat,
         Carole H. in Connecticut
                                            P.S. When
the danger is past and the conspiracy foiled, what do
you think of the Ken's idea of producing "Pigs" in
Parkinsaw? I envision it as a musical. We would of
course include "This Little Piggy Went to Marquette",
as it is Hilary's special favorite.

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