

How nice that my friends are looking for for me all over the country,
Carole. I can't wait to see them and get whatever it is they have for me.  I
have decided to relocate back to SouthPark, a nice town that even has a TV
show and a movie out to show people what a wonderful place it is to live. I
will be at "The Motel $3" across from the upscale Motel 6. I am admittedly
having a little cash flow problem. I had to trade New York State back to the
Native Americans who live there, In return I got a few parking meters full of
quarters,  and a stack of "There is No Radio in This Car, Please Don't Break
Window Again" signs, and $24 worth of Pez Dispensers. No one would buy the
Brooklyn Bridge for any price, they would just walk away Like I was crazy!
The Empire State Building needed to be tented for termites, which cost me
just about what I paid to own the building! Well actual $3.76 MORE! So I was
lucky to get enough subway tokens to get to SouthPark, but I had to buy a "73
Yugo to finish the last few hundred miles of the trip. It gets good gas
mileage, but only antique stores have parts, I paid $700 for a set of spark
plugs, made in Serbia, and I was lucky to get them!  The guy at the used car
place said the car was only driven about 10 miles a day, from the owners home
to the repair shop and back, and never been on the open road.  The spare tire
is a bagel.  The clutch pedal is little high and rubs on the steering wheel,
but otherwise, I think I got a good deal, and less then $300 a month for 4
years. With $2000 down, at 18% interest, I KNOW it was a good deal!
I got free paper floor mats too!  So tell Vito to call the motel switchboard
at 1-800-Bedbugs (2332847) and ask for me. I keep the light on for him!