

Camilla...thanks for the feedback and the hugs..  Fortunately, my bouts of
dyskinesia have been somewhat less intense since, and I am experimenting with
my meds to get them further under control.  Have steered clear of foam rubber.
Barb  :-)
Barbara Blake-Krebs in KS  [log in to unmask]

In a message dated 7/7/99 8:22:51 PM, you wrote:

<<Oh Barb-- I think I was "laughing to keep from crying"!  The image of you
and the world covered with shredded foam rubber was just too much!  I hope
the next day went well, and now I know another reason I'm glad that Peter
(knock on wood) doesn't have dyskinesia!

                {{{{{{{{{{{{Barb B-K}}}}}}}}}}}}